Home / Export / Companies Alpha Mills Inc. We are the first 100% Organic Certified Facility processing grains and soybeans on Prince Edward Island. We pride ourselves in buying crops from local organic farmers, helping them grow and promote the way of organic farming. We believe in NON GMO (Genetically Modified Crops) and are pushing to help keep our food safe and the way it should be. “From field to table the way nature intended”. Type of Company Primary Producer / Distributor / Broker Contact Alex Beattie Phone 902-838-3600 Address 2175 Comptons Road Heatherdale PE C0A 1R0 Location Heatherdale Fax 902-838-3660 Website www.alphamillsinc.com Email info@alphamillsinc.com Products Available BarleyCanolaSoybeans Clientele Direct to consumerProcessorWhole Sale Domestic Markets Atlantic CanadaBritish ColumbiaOntarioPrairie ProvincesQuebec International Markets AfricaAsiaEuropeUnited States