Garden Isle Farms Ltd.
Garden Isle Farms Ltd., an integrated grower, packer, and shipper, offering a complete variety mix of Round Whites, Reds, Yellows, and Russets table varieties along with many seed varieties for both table and processing. This complete line of products allows for mixed manifests being filled timely and efficiently. Continuity of supply and quality are ensured with physical assets located in Albany, Victoria, and Montague. Albany storages hold over 20 million pounds of raw product with 8 million pounds in Victoria and 1 million pounds in Montague, computerized humidity and temperature systems, with cooling capacity ensure high quality product going into the packing operations year round. The packing line make use of modern computerized sizing and electronic weighing and bagging to put out high quality finished products.
Garden Isle Farm’s fresh cut potato and vegetable operation peels and prepares for commercial, retail, and foodservice customers various cuts in a variety of packages.
Brand Names
Garden Isle Farms, Eric C. Robinson, Thompson Potato
Type of Company
Grower/Shipper/Dealer/Exporter/Frest Cut Processor
Wayne Thompson
(902) 437-2100
PO Box 1 Albany, PE C0B 1A0
Albany, PEI
(902) 437-6200